Wanta entered into a partnership with Drink Wise earlier this year around Alcohol Education.  

DrinkWise have been providing us with appropriate videos and content to facilitate alcohol education sessions, and our staff have been facilitating 3-4 sessions with students each term. The main topics of discussion include:

  • What the effects of alcohol are on young people, particularly Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and the developing teenage brain. 
  • What is a healthy choice regarding drinking and how to encourage this with each other. 
  • Dealing with peer pressure. 
  • Who the kids can trust and what support networks exist in their community.

We have had a great response from students who have actively engaged in the sessions and are keen to learn more and discuss their thoughts and experiences. 

Wanta is really excited about our partnerships with Drink Wise and look forward to rolling out more vital and meaningful education sessions as part of our Wanta programs .