WANTA recently received a grant through the Sunshine Foundation to engage the Australian Centre for Rural Entrepreneurs (ACRE) to deliver Social Enterprise Training to our staff and students in Yuendumu. As a result, last week Yuendumu welcomed special visitors all the way from Beechworth, Victoria. Matt and Pete from ACRE travelled to Yuendumu to share with staff and students the work they have been doing in North East Victoria with Social Enterprise Schools. ACRE then delivered training for WANTA staff and school students over the course of the week.

Several WANTA staff participated in a full day of training to learn about the program, the benefits of Social Enterprise Schools for students and how it would work in Yuendumu School. The day was full of information, open discussions and amazing stories from across the country about young entrepreneurs.

ACRE and WANTA staff collaboratively delivered sessions to upper primary and secondary classes throughout the week. Highlights from the week included:

  • Students learning all about what a Social Enterprise is.
  • Student participating in team building exercises which included building a tall tower out of spaghetti, string and tape to demonstrate team work. Students will continue to participate in team building activities to enhance their leadership and teamwork skills.
  • Students seeing photos and videos of Victorian school students running their own Enterprises.
  • Keen discussions from Yuendumu students about what goods and services they will sell themselves. They continue to ask staff ‘when are we going to start our business?’.

Since training with ACRE, students have been exploring vocabulary to give them a deeper understanding of what a Social Enterprise is and how it fits in the world of businesses and charities. Next, the students will be brainstorming what they would like to change in their community or the world itself and then brainstorm their ideas for their own enterprise.

Yuendumu School is the second community in the Northern Territory to be joining Social Enterprise Schools, and WANTA staff are super excited to have received the training and add this to the list of opportunities we can provide to the kids.

This program will empower students with the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge to become job creators rather than just job seekers. This is so important for our kids, especially being in such a small community where job opportunities and career paths are limited.

Australia’s next Entrepreneurs are in the making! Look out World!

We want to thank the Sunshine Foundation for making this possible.