Our Arlparra girls do work experience with the AFLNT!

Our Arlparra girls do work experience with the AFLNT!

A small group of our Senior Arlparra Academy girls were invited to Alice Springs to participate in work experience with AFLNT. The program was designed to show the students what a typical weekend of local footy looks like and all the elements that go into making it a...
Our Lajamanu students cross the border to Kununurra!

Our Lajamanu students cross the border to Kununurra!

As soon as the Friday afternoon school bell had rung, I did a quick lap around community to pick up our students luggage and off we went, first stop; the Victoria River Roadhouse. We enjoyed great service from the new managers and after a filling dinner it was off to...
A busy term break for our Yuendumu students!

A busy term break for our Yuendumu students!

During the April School Holidays, Wanta’s Yuendumu program made its annual trip to Parrtjima Arts Festival in Alice Springs. The festival showcased leading Indigenous artists from across the Central desert region and allowed the young people to immerse themselves in...
Meet the Staff – Leigh Stabryla

Meet the Staff – Leigh Stabryla

Our ‘Meet the Staff’ blog edition continues with a recent Q&A with Leigh Stabryla, our Wanta Sports Academy Director in Ngukurr, NT. He has been with us for almost two years and is doing an amazing job – read on for a glimpse at Leigh and his...
Wanta gets off to a great start in Beswick!

Wanta gets off to a great start in Beswick!

This year, Wanta Aboriginal Corporation has opened a new Sports Academy Program in Beswick, NT, also known as Wugularr. The Beswick school has been extremely welcoming and supportive of the program. Stephen Hill (Principal) has provided Wanta with an academy space, as...